Datasheet: GS-SBIC-1M2

The SBIC ground station is a 1.2m dish placed upon a 4m mast with a frequency range of 1500MHz to 2200Mhz. It is situated in a car park adjacent to an office building. The office building to the NNE of the station is the largest obstacle in the vicinity of the ground station. Lastly, a 4G tower communications tower can be found 300m to the ESE which partially obstructs the ground station’s view of low elevations.

The dish can rotate in both elevation and azimuth with the following operational ranges respectively, 0-100 degrees and 0-720 degrees. The dish is of a mesh construction using 4 petals. Further ground station performance parameters can be found in the table below.

Ground station RF-Chain block diagram
Ground station field of view - Polar plot
Ground station performance values