Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How are results for a pass request shared? Results from your pass request are
    shared via Dropbox. Once the results are ready, the contact email will be sent to
    the link to access the results.
  2. How long does it take to receive the results of a pass request? Results from a
    pass request are sent to the contact emails address within 6 hours after the
    booking time.
  3. How long does it take to receive confirmation of a pass request? Submitted
    pass request orders are checked before being accepted, this can take up to 1
    hour after ordering.
  4. Why do I need to book slots which are at least 30 minutes in the future? The
    current MVP service requires a minimum of 30 minutes to process an order and
    schedule it with a given ground station. It is possible to book slots less than 30
    minutes into the future but they may be rejected or missed.
  5. Why was my order rejected? If your email has been rejected, check the reservation email you received. Most likely a value was not submitted correctly or was missing.
  6. Error 403? If this error occurs, take the following steps:
    1. Refresh the page (Ctrl + F5)
    2. If this does not resolve the issue, close the tab and revisit the Dashboard after 4 hours.
  1. How to estimate SNR using baseband recording? Using your RF spectrum plot from the program SDR# of your recording, estimate the power of the signal and the noise floor. The SNR in dB is the dB difference between the peak signal and the noise floor.
  1. How to estimate the station misalignment? To find the estimated misalignment of the dish, sweep across a target signal while keeping either the elevation or azimuth constant. Using the baseband recording, note the rotor position once the signal reaches a minimum signal strength (SNR). Additionally, note the rotor position once the signal falls below this minimum SNR. Estimate the beam centre point (Azi/Ele) between these two recorded positions and compare it with the satellite’s calculated position. This method will give you an indication of any misalignment.
  2. Why are some azimuth values negative in my results log? The rotor has an operational range of -180 degrees to 540 degrees. In certain cases the azimuth angle may be displayed in the negative form. Add 360 degrees to negative values if necessary.